تخطى الى المحتوى

تاريخ أكترون

Actron was Founded in 1982

          –    1982 – Automation hardware, software and solutions within the Scandinavian market
                          Producucts meeting high industrial quality demands.

          –     1989 Main supplier of softwatre tools for Hitachi controllers worlwide
          –     1996Introduction of ActWin, patented Windows based software with high quality
                           and a world famous user interface

1995   Introduction of PassCheck People Counting system
             as one of the first companies in the world. Based on the experience from the Industrial
             automation the system has been very well-known for the reliability and for the functionality.

1999   Introduction of the second generation of PassCheck (2G)
              International introduction also including Car Counting.

2005   Introduction of the third generation of PassCheck (3G)
              (all web based and Automated, including Cloud functionality)

2001     Actron Introduced People Counting in Russian Federation

2006    OOO Actron was founded covering the Russian Federation

2010    Introduction of MaxiPark Car park Guidance system
