MPC Universe web reports

During more than 25 Years Actron has been a major supplier of Visitor-Counting systems. This experience has made it possible to take some big steps.
Today the Visitor-Counting is a part of our Visitor analytic system.
This is a summary of some highlights in MPC Universe reporting system.

Highlights MPC Universe Web reports
·Flexible User administration
·Efficient Principle for setup and development:
·Support of Queues and Waiting time
·MPC Special Reports creates any kind of
_layouts and combined reports
·Complete Backup system

Very User friendly
(we have studied how the clients use the system for many years)
Combination of most User friendly and most flexible User interface

MPC Web Reports are divided into 4 different levels.
The reason is that this allows us to keep the simplest and user-friendliest user interface simultaneously
as we keep the most powerful functionality.

This means: To make it extremely easy to use for people, who do not need the rest of the functions.
MPC NetReports has all functionality But it can also be connected to several different databases which we call Groups.
In this example we connect all Ikeas in a country into one application.

True Cloud solution

Many suppliers say that they have a Cloud solution even if the reports still are dependent of the time settings of the PC-server.
MPC Universe is a true cloud solution.
Therefore, there are no time references to the physical PC-servers in the cloud.
The only time references are the time zone of the physical sensors and the time zone of the user.
The Time zone of the physical sensors decide the time stamps in the database. The Time zone of the User decides the time the relative reports show as NOW.

Comfortable Favourite and automated email sending

MPC web reports has a very comfortable way to create your own favourite reports, which you can use whenever you want without any effort.
Generate the report once and then press “Save Report”.
You can easily make these reports Email enabled, which means that you get them automatically as emails whenever you want (every day, week, months etc.)

Alert generation Email, SMS alerts
There will be alerts through Emails, SMS or WhatsApp to users. This will be trigged by certain levels of either Occupancy, Flow or waiting time etc.
The supplier will set up (on request from the clients) which alerts that will be generated and when.

Wide Language support
Language support
There is now support for 17 different languages.
This can be increased by request.
The User language is set up together with the setup of user authorities

Unique Category handling
The category handling in MPC web reports allows the user to quickly make flexible and easy selections of categories for the reports.
The categories can be selected by Group, Site, Entrances, Zones Queues etc.
The unique way of doing this is maybe most valuable in Large retail chains where the user wants to study the trend in a specific group of stores.

In this example the user wants to see the trend in the MEDIUM SIZE STORES in WESTERN USA.
There could be thousands of stores in the list. Three quick selections will narrow the report selection down to
the stores SanFransico1, SanDiego1, Seattle1 and Portland1

Real Time visualization
Flow, Occupancy and Alerts

Real Time applications which can be used by PC or smartphone
MPC RealTime allows the users to see the most important information and trends in the stores in “real time”
Today it is very important to know how the performance of the store is in Real time.
That is how the user can optimize the result.
Today it is also very important to watch the Occupancy in real time
The Covid19 pandemic makes this extra important these days.
But also other important parameters are shown in real time, e.g.
-Dwell time
It is well known that it is very much more difficult to create occupancy-reports with high accuracy compared to e.g. visitor-flow.
But we have succeeded to reach a very high and unique real-time accuracy also for occupancy due to >25 years of experience.

Support of queues and waiting time

Thanks to a unique way of using TOF technology we have succeeded to reach a very high accuracy of waiting time etc. for more complicated queues.
But in hypermarkets (and Typical Ikeas) where there are lots of trolleys and different group sizes (families and single people etc.) the accuracy is far from acceptable.
We present a high accuracy even in the cases where it is a mix of visitor groups, trolleys with lots of load etc.
We also track the people when they temporarily disappear.
The system presents the result in real-time visualization, analytic reports and sends alerts.

MPC Special Reports
This is a unique product, which will generate any kind of reports to the customers.
It makes any layout of reports in .pdf or Excel and sends it to our customers via automated emails.
It is possible to combine charts, diagram, text, pictures and logos etc. exactly like the customer wants.
It can take data from any web page too.
Then it will send emails to the users, who are specified in the setup table in any frequency with any attachments.
It is possible to integrate data from external systems. And one of the really unique reports is Visitor forecast, which in an optimal way take all parameters like history, weather, season etc. into consideration and generate a far more accurate forecast than any humans can do.
This is very important for the planning of staff and product display. Only some manual work is needed to design the layout of the reports, make suitable references in Excel and if necessary, calculations. But once this is made everything is automatic.
Some reports are identical are similar from customer to customer.

Real Time Push data
The sensors push the data to the cloud in principle in real time.
This creates a great flexibility to use Real time applications, Visualization, Real time alerts, etc.

Data security and Conversion Rate
There are many cases when the data is confidential.
Especially in retail solutions there is a key information which is called Conversion rate.
This is a combination between the POS data and the visitor information.
For many clients the POS data is extremely confidential.
We can provide the Conversion Rate reports in many ways.
The simplest is of course to handle this via NDA agreements.
But still there are clients which hesitates this.
We have solutions where we can provide these reports to the
clients without having availability to the clients POS data.

Support of almost any sensor brand
Beside the support of our own high quality and low cost sensor we support all sensors, which can Push data via Json or XML files etc are supported. Beside that several other sensors are also supported.
This means that MPC Universe can easily take over old installations made by other suppliers and enhance the flexibility and reporting quality